Amin Roshan

2019 Fire of Love

Since ancient times fire has been worshiped by human beings for they linked their progress and prosperity to the discovery of fire. Fire temples were viewed as silent drinking water cisterns and it was in this silence that architects and poets gave form to the behaviour of the desert sand. They were also master fire performers who applied the secrets and laws of the fire to human behaviour. And so it was that for centuries, human beings used this fire to quench their thirst. Eventually times changed and fire temples, these earthen structures, were exchanged for metal towers. Man tamed fire and imprisoned the god of light in yellow cylinders and with time rolled them over and over until fire was exalted and worshiped once again; this time light appeared in a new and different form. However, for man, this was not sufficient and he pressed on in such a manner that he succeeded to insert fire through long pipes in the expansive desert, pumping the devil inside these pipes until the map of the desert was completely removed from memory. Any form of morality was erased and its true character was revealed. But man ignored one matter: that the imprisonment of the gods does not go unpunished. Therefore man inflicted a harsh punishment upon himself. No one understood how fire, the god of wisdom and light, was appropriated by the wrong people who, oblivious to the secrets of the origin of light and warmth, played with it as they wished, allowing a world to burn. Only the poets remained. A small group of outcasts passed by the fire such that neither the singular gazelle flinched, nor was any city subjected to the wrath of the god of fire. Maybe one day the patience of these yellow cylinders will run out and the god of fire’s love inside them will set up such a heaven in our world with a horrendous explosion, such that only those in possession of a leaf, a branch or a tree will survive. This collection is executed by the silk printing technique, the materials used in this technique are crude oil. All used photos belong to Khuzestan. The crude oil used is from a valley near Masjid-i-Sulaiman.
Amin Roshan